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  • Writer's pictureCoach Céire

Coach Ceire Journey to Fitness!

Updated: Feb 14, 2021

Change can be scary and difficult, but it can also be the most amazing thing!

As a young girl I am growing up watching people of all ages over indulging in fast foods, binge drinking and smoking. This lifestyle did not appeal to me, but it seemed to be the norm. For me to go against the grain was met with a lack of understanding. I was shocked to see the lifestyle girls and boys my age were living, and they say habits form in your adolescence are the hardest to break. So I wondered what the future held for those who simply didn't care. I decided against conforming, which led to great experiences, friendship and more laughs than I could have ever imagined.

People ask me all the time why I want to diet, considering my age. A misconception about the changing of ones lifestyle for the better. I am not depriving myself of anything, I just practice a lot of self control and indulge sparingly. I am still enjoying my teenage years, as I mentioned I don't eat 100% clean, it is generally more 80-90% clean as I allow myself to have a treat at the weekend (Or when ever I feel like it).

I have a massive passion for Crossfit, it has truly changed my life in many ways. To find a passion is an amazing feat, I look forward to my classes it is a momentary escape from all the stresses of life and school. I manage to train about 6 days a week, most weeks ,and at the moment. I am always looking to expand my horizons, and you never know where you will find me rolling around in the gym. That is the magic of enjoying something so much, it is no longer a task.

I love eating clean and coming up with different recipes and sharing these recipes though my Instagram, Facebook and of course on here!

Key to my success has been a mix of goods carbs, good fats, proteins and 2 litres of water a day. Being adventurous with recipes helps with the food boredom a lot of people find when they take on diets, so remember if you want to resist the chocolate bar there is always a recipe that will satisfy your craving without hurting your progress. Tea, especially Green tea, is a fantastic natural way to looking after your body when changing your lifestyle. Patience is the most important factor. Rome was not built in a day, and you won't be a world class weight lifter over night. Stick with it, and get back up when you fall off the wagon.

Since I changed my lifestyle I am a different person, I do not wake up sluggish and bloated. I am ready for the day, and to make the most of each day at hand. When I do have my cheat days I an not such an Energiser Bunny when I wake up, and it is enjoyable in the moment but a good reminder that I do not want to return to old habits.

Everyone has a different goal in life, and a different plan to reach that goal. My goal in life is to stay consistent, to get to the regional's, and then to the Crossfit games and go through life with a smile and meet great people along the way.

Remember it is never, ever, to late to change your LIFESTYLE!

Stay well, Coach Céire

"Make the choice, to make the change!"

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